गृह मन्त्रालय

अध्यागमन विभाग

कालिकास्थान, काठमाडौँ

गृह मन्त्रालय

अध्यागमन विभाग

कालिकास्थान, काठमाडौँ

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Important Notice Regarding Online Application and Payment for Nepalese Visa



This is to inform all foreigners that the Department of Immigration receives all types of online visa applications through its official website only. Recently, the Department has received complaints regarding fake websites such as https://www.nepal-evisa.com/https://www.visagov.com/en  receiving applications and payments for Nepalese Visa. However, the Department would like to clarify that it has not authorized any agency or third parties for collecting Visa Applications and visa fees. Therefore, the travellers are strongly advised to visit our official  visa application link for Visa Application and Processing.


सबै हेर्नुहोस
पछिल्लो अपडेट गरिएको : 2025-01-03 11:19:13 11:19:13
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